Solingen was first mentioned in 1067 by a chronicler who called the area "Solonchon". Early variations of the name included "Solengen", "Solungen", and "Soleggen", although the modern name seems to have been in use since the late 14th and early 15th centuries.
Blacksmith smelters, dating back to over 2000 years, have been found around the town adding to Solingen\'s fame as a Northern Europe blacksmith center. Swords from Solingen have turned up in places such as the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in the British Isles. Northern Europe prized the quality of Solingen\'s manufactured weaponry, and they were traded across the European continent. Solingen today remains the knife-center of Germany.
It was a tiny village for centuries but became a fortified town in the 15th century.
In Medieval times, the swordsmiths of Solingen coined the town\'s image, which is preserved to this date. In the latter part of the 17th century, a group of swordsmiths from Solingen broke their guild oaths by taking their sword-making secrets with them to Shotley Bridge, County Durham in England.
The Trademark for quality
For many centuries the name Solingen was the embodiment of high-quality knives, cutlery and more. It is not surprising, that many companies try to make use of this name by selling their goods as "Made in Solingen", although they have not been produced in this city.In order to fight this fraud, Solingen became the only city in the world whose name is a registered trademark. The so-called "Solingenverordnung" regulates the use of the brand "Solingen" since 1938.
Regulation for the Protection of the Name Solingen
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) offers extensive information on the protection of this valuable brand.
To learn regulations of the usage: Open PDF-file now.
For more information visit the website of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Wuppertal/Germany.The standards of steel production and treatment were originally defined by the guilds of steel craftsmen. The master craftsmen are highly trained in their single skill, whether that was polishing, sharpening or another task, performed during each step in the manufacturing process. This narrow specialization and refinement resulted in further innovations in the stages of craftsmanship, while brilliant advances in technology and technique raised the level of steel production and skill to an unrivaled quality and impeccable precision. \n